metafandom's Journal


22nd December 2009

3:49pm: Monday, December 21, 2009

  • lotesse: a note on the ongoing metafandom conversation - But I do think that - maybe since the big fails last winter/spring - the elision between fannish meta and oppositional work has become more complete than I'd like. I'd rather have something like [community profile] linkspam to give me thoughts about Russophobia, and keep metafandom for fic theorization. -
    (tags: meta)

  • skye: Archive of Our Own Vs. - I'm doing a comparison post between both sites and how they function right at this moment. Keep in mind that despite critique, I still like both sites. -
    (tags: fanfic ao3)

  • farad: An interesting article- metafandom meets pro-publishing - The biggest reason I'm subjecting you guys to it is that the first half of it is about why the writers - and reading/paying market for this exploding new literary field - are straight women. You know, in case you want to be over-analyzed by academia about why we like to read hot m/m sex. -

  • [info]cluegirl: Thoughts Contingent on Reader Entitlement; the fandom edition - For Cod's sake, could we please put a little effort into remembering that the writer does not OWE us, the readers, anything more than A Story? And that if we get A Story, there is no contractual obligation under which it will have been written to our tastes, to our preferences, or even to our level of skill or comprehension? -
    (tags: fanfic)

  • [info]silentauror: Thoughts on fic exchange feedback - On the same hand, it's the holidays and regardless of how well it came off, someone spent a lot of time and hard work on a story for someone, and is it really my place to come raining all over their parade? One the other hand, it was still posted in public, not emailed directly to the recipient, and obviously getting comments from readers other than the recipient is also a big part of an exchange like this. -

  • [info]fakeplasticsnow: [in idolmeta] SURVEY: Inspiration vs. Perspiration - 1. Look back to the fic that garnered you the most reviews. How long did it take you to write that fic? How does that compare with the average amount of time you take writing a fic?2. Does the trend apply to you too, then? Is the amount of time you take writing something inversely proportional to the number of reviews you get?3. If yes, do you agree that inspiration tends to eclipse effort exerted, in terms of what fic readers respond to? -

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