metafandom's Journal


17th July 2009

10:17pm: Friday, July 17, 2009

  • karenhealey: Which readers? - I laughed when Molly Grue told Schmendrick the magician that he didn't know much about unicorns. I punched the air when Misty Knight declared there was about to be all kinds of kung fu up in here. I clenched my fists as Valerie Russell fought back addiction to do battle with the glass sword. I cried when Gemma Doyle stood at the ship's railing, for it was morning, and there was so much to see.

    I was there. Not my father. Me. -

  • elizah_jane: Oh, Fandom. You are so very, very crazy! - But wank is a fandom thing. Hell, it's an internet thing. It just feels more personal in fandom because you consider the people in it your friends. Some of them are, some of them are just crazy. Wank is not fandom specific. There is no non-wanky fandom. "What about fandom X?" you say? Just wait. It'll happen. -

  • sistermagpie: Fandom Shame - what I really wanted to talk about was just this obvious SHAME thing that always seems so present in fandom. -
    (tags: fandom)

  • keerawa: Fanfiction for Dummies and My Writing Process [WARNING: TORCHWOOD SPOILERS IN LINKED POST] - I write fanfiction because story-telling is too important to leave in the hands of the professionals. -
    (tags: fanfic writing)
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