metafandom's Journal


16th July 2009

12:25am: Wednesday, July 15, 2009

  • [info]yagathai: Dear Fandom - I tend to be conservative by inclination, but every con that I attend makes me want to declare a revolution, storming the barricades and flinging greybeards** from the ramparts, just a little bit more. -

  • cofax7: Humpday links, Sea Patrol, and convention meta - cons are meat-space infrastructure for SF/F fandom, the way LJ is electronic infrastructure for media fandom, and I love to investigate the way the infrastructure affects the form and content of the discussions it hosts. -
    (tags: cons fandom)

  • coffeeandink: Readercon, authority, and models of readership - The con is missing out on a huge richness of diversity of experience and thought; it is missing out on some of the greatest pleasures of reading, not to mention the chance for writers and critics and "just readers" to challenge and change each other. -
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