metafandom's Journal


2nd July 2009

9:50pm: July 2, 2009

  • [info]rm: Oh Noes! There's Gay People In My Fandom! - Real, live queer people exist out there in the world and real, live queer people exist in fandom. And I am sick and tired of us being either something merely fetishized or relegated to a genre either appealing or not. -

  • beatrice_otter: Meta: Fandom as a Safe Space - I mean, sure, the shows/movies/books are awesome, and we all love the characters and the actors who play them (or at least love to hate them), but that's not what keeps us in fandom over the long haul, keeps us moving to new corners of fandom as old ones slow down from cancellation or whatever. -

  • cofax7: bad news - a United States District Court has ruled that an unauthorized sequel doesn't qualify as transformative if it's not a critical parody. -

  • [info]merricatk: If only there were some way to take authors out of the equation . . . . - In the zine days, I would have been happy to have traded my writing for something to read. But in the internet days, I'm trading my writing for rules and regulations that I have no say in. -

  • [info]ficangel: On being nice. - However. The "it takes five seconds to not trigger someone"--fraught with its own problems as it is--has been taken over in way too many fucking spaces with, "It takes five minutes to add this warning in exactly the way that I want you to, what's fucking wrong with you, don't you want to be nice? // Arguments towards social utility are no longer necessary; "nice" and the fact that it honestly wouldn't take much to comply are rhetorical tools with which to bludgeon dissent into quiet without the necessity of having to have any kind of argument at all, because who doesn't want to be nice? Only assholes, obviously. -
    (tags: warnings)
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