metafandom's Journal


1st July 2009

11:34pm: Wednesday, July 1, 2009

  • [info]xtricks: This Week in Bigotry: Good and Bad - I've gotten tired of just sitting there going ... well, it's their contest, they can have whatever rules they want. Why, yes they can, but I don't have to sit there in silence and let them imagine there are no consequences. -
    (tags: slash fandom)

  • mresundance: Blacklisted. - Because homophobia in fandom is fun, kids. -
    (tags: fandom slash)

  • [info]squi_nunc: Warnings and labels - People who object to labels IN THEIR OWN JOURNALS might have a variety of equally valid reasons. No, we are not obligated to share those with you. My journal is my space. -

  • ranalore: Labels, Directories, and Communities - Suppose there was a community co-moderated by at least three, but preferrably six or seven, people who held different views in the current warnings debate. Suppose the purpose of this community was to create a directory of the individual labeling policies of fanworks creators, . . .. As proposed, would such a community be useful to you? As proposed, would such a community be hurtful or offensive to you? -

  • gracecourage: On Strength. And Warnings. - I'm posting because I am furious at the number of (people I thought were) decent, caring folks who are referring to survivors of abuse and assault as "fragile, delicate, mentally ill." -
    (tags: warnings)

  • [info]gabriellebelle: Your LJ is not your living room. Really. - If I choose not to label and/or warn in my own space because of some notion that my space exists in an impenetrable bubble, this stranger will likely be missing important meta-info to frame my fic. -

  • [info]puella_nerdii: On Warnings; or, Getting Readers Who Actually Like Your Stuff - Warning is a damned good precaution against getting readers who will suffer actual harm from what I've written. I don't want to harm my readers. I want to challenge them sometimes, I want to get them to think about things -- and, well, sometimes I just want to get 'em horny. But I don't write fic to prove how edgy I am, or to push people out of their comfort zones. -
    (tags: warnings)

  • ranalore: You can't actually have it both ways. - Either you are concerned about making fandom a safer space for people with triggers, or you are interested in making fandom a more comfortable and navigable space for you. Now if you take that second approach, that's fine, that's the way a lot of fandom works now. But if that's the way you roll, stop kidding yourself, and stop trying to kid other people, that you're taking the first approach. If you want to take the first approach, then you need to not dismiss other people when they tell you something you're doing is a trigger for them, no matter how inconvenient it may be to stop or reconfigure what you're doing. -
    (tags: warnings)

  • [info]veradee: On Labelling Fanfics; or On What and How I Read and Write - I don't mean to prohibit labels, but I also don't find them particularly helpful. For example, I have seen enough posts on the internet where some readers complained that a fic was labelled romance but didn't contain enough of the relevant elements to actually be called a romance. But if the labels are so narrowly defined there's always the danger that fics that closely stick to these labels end up being cookie-cutter fics. -
    (tags: warnings)

  • [info]sparky77: ... - From my perspective, it doesn't matter what started the discussion, it was the fact that the discussion was causing pain for trauma survivors that mattered. So many of the things that have been said are pretty much the exact reasons that survivors are often reluctant to open up to people about their experience -
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