metafandom's Journal


5th May 2009

12:36am: Monday, May 5, 2009

  • telesilla: As always, not enough. - And here's the thing: those kinds of ads aren't appearing next to content I seek out on the web. They appear next to MY content. My words about gay marriage, my pornographic fiction, my words about my life with Nancy. -
    (tags: ads lj sexuality)

  • darkrose: What it really comes down to - I don't think there's a conspiracy.//What I do think is that because of the way AdSense works, the fact that LJ uses them means that there's a possibility that my slash, and my political posts, and my posts about my life with Ruth could potentially result in an ad from a group of people who is actively working to make my life just a little more unhappy -
    (tags: lj ads sexuality)

  • fairestcat: Just in case I needed another reason to leave livejournal - So here's the thing with ads and livejournal. They're a lot more pervasive than a lot of people think. And just because you have a paid or basic account and/or adblock on so that you never see ads, that doesn't mean the ads aren't there or that visitors to your journal aren't seeing them. -
    (tags: lj ads sexuality)

  • r_becca: mod response to inappropriate comments - Before there's a problem, a mod should have a criteria for what makes an inappropriate comment. Are you going to leave everything standing and censor nothing? Respond to flames but nothing else? What about comments that aren't technically flames but are rude, mean, or insulting? Think about this in advance. -

  • melusina: Sometimes Mondays are for meta - Writing against the tide of fannish assumptions - But what happens if you disagree with a commonly accepted piece of fanon? Or if your version of a popular character is radically different from the most common fannish interpretation? What if you're sick to death of a particular characterization and you're hoping to persuade people to re-examine canon and see things in a different light? -

  • [info]giandujakiss: Oh dear god - A (male) anthropologist evolutionary psychologist tries to deconstruct slash.//Of his analysis I'd take issue with, I'd start with his assumption that m/m slash is written for and consumed by heterosexual women, that slash is just like mainstream romance, and that bizarre statement at the end that ... I will let you discover for yourselves. -
    (tags: slash aca video)

  • anatsuno: adventures in crossposting - But this is precisely the reason why personally I'm only removing people who crosspost from my reading filter on LJ, and not defriending them. -
11:17pm: Tuesday, Cinco de Mayo, 2009

  • [info]fanficrants: Real Person Slash Authors. - At what point, can we, as authors say that a character in a fic is OOC? I mean, these are real people, correct? That we probably do not know, right? That being said, how can we, as authors and reviewers, decide when a character is out of character? Do we truly know them enough to say what they’re like? -

  • [info]furiosity: разрушенный мир, разбитые лбы, разломанный надвое хлеб - The problem is that in so many of my past fandom entries, the comment discussions often have far more value than the posts themselves, and moving just the posts would be largely pointless. However, I have a serious issue with moving comments that other people made. Those comments are theirs -- just because they’re in my journal doesn’t mean I own them or can republish them on another site at will, even with the original contributor’s OpenID attached. -

  • [info]fourth_rose: Okay, this is beginning to bother me - And now I’m wondering whether I missed the memo at some point that re-posting someone else’s words was suddenly okay? This has been rehashed over and over during my time in fandom, and afaik, “don’t repost stuff that belongs to other people without their permission” is still a fandom rule that is broken at the reposter’s peril. Or rather was, until the Power of the Shiny made such small concerns obsolete. -

  • lauredhel: Slash and Teh Magick Testicles of Perspicacity - Like all good evolutionary psychologists who focus on gender, Don hasn’t bothered to talk to any actual *whispers* women. Especially not to any women who write and/or study this, erm, *whispers* smut. Because women can’t define their own experience, can’t tell their own stories, can’t have any useful insights into their own motivations. Because women’s fan academia doesn’t really exist in any meaningful sense, not until chest-beaters come along and put their stamp of Knowledge onto it. Because women’s culture is there to be picked apart with tweezers and analyzed with a touch of distanced fascination, a modicum of distaste, and a whopping serve of willful ignorance. -

  • gnatkip: Better living through javascript - These are the ones I rely on the most. -
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