metafandom's Journal


11th December 2008

4:36pm: Thursday, December 11, 2008

  • [info]cereta: Dammit, Kirk Lazarus was supposed to be SATIRE - They're specious because they assume a world where the default setting is actually neutral, rather than being so far up the ass of "white, straight male" that Hollywood will not only assume a white, straight male lead unless there's a "reason" to do otherwise, but will cheerfully rewrite the race/ethnicity or gender of fictional characters and even of real people to assure a white male lead. -
    (tags: anime avatar race)

  • [info]vagabond_sal: Angry Asian Man: A break-up, of sorts. - What does this casting choice say to me, the angry Asian man? It says that every time somebody speaks more slowly and loudly to me because they assume that English isn't my first tongue, they're right to do so, because I'm not normal. It says that when my freshman year roommate thought that the delivery guy calling with my order was my dad, I shouldn't have been offended, because the guy sounded Chinese on the phone, so how was he supposed to know, right? -
    (tags: anime avatar race)

  • [info]synecdochic: Writing Q&A: Take one! - Dialog attribution is one of those things that is a very individualistic hallmark of style, really; there are a lot of schools of thought about how to handle it. You'll see a lot of people suggesting that you use other verbs other than 'said', but my way of thinking is: 'said'; is a neutral word, one that the reader's eyes gloss over, while the other synonyms can seem pretentious or really painful. -
    (tags: writing)
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