metafandom's Journal


22nd October 2008

9:23pm: Wednesday, October 22, 2008

  • [info]swatkat24: shiny ivory towers - I find fandom's anti-academic bias absurd. Furthermore, I find the anti-aca/fen debates that make the rounds in fandom every now and then worrisome, and very opposed to that aspect of fannish culture I've come to cherish over the years: tolerance of other people's weird obsessions. -

  • [info]ithiliana: *waves and yawns* - I am sure that individual academics within and without fandom have been everything from boring to rapists to murderers[...]But to say that every academic is evil/destructive of all love and joy/torturing students/vivisecting texts and when bored they come into fandom and insult fans and give them low grades[...]is the same old same old Straw Academic as before. -
    (tags: fanac)

  • [info]omnivorously: On Being an Intellectual Fan, or a Fannish Intellectual - I think that the impulse which makes me fannish is the same impulse which makes me an intellectual. Taking stories apart to see how they work is part of how I derive pleasure from them; it's the way I was born, and I like being that way. -
    (tags: reading fanac)

  • [info]deird1: On Spoilers, Sequels, and Why I Write Meta - it's not that I'm not interested in discussing the stuff that might have happened after the end of the story. I've read a fair amount of post-series fanfic, and I enjoy it. What I don't enjoy is having What Happens Next defined for me, irrevocably, by the Powers That Be, and having all our cool speculations changed into a helpless sort of wondering about what really will have happened once the Super Important Writers tell us. -

  • [info]miriam_heddy: Some thoughts on Christianity and being a Jewish Horror Fan - In sum, I'd like to put forth that it isn't easy being a Jewish horror fan. But it is interesting. [Spoilers for SPN] -

  • [info]sistermagpie: Hateful Analysis - how does analysis kill a story? What does it mean to say that? Is it that analysis reminds the person the story is made up when otherwise the story would just seem to be really happening? Because I have the opposite reaction. To me, analysis makes the story come to life even more. -
    (tags: fanac reading)
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