metafandom's Journal


13th June 2008

10:33pm: Friday, June 13, 2008

  • emily_shore: The dark side of fannishness: a case study - When does fannishness become vampiric, a process of stealing life and energy and joy from someone who lives more intensely than you feel that you yourself can? When does it become stealing from yourself as well? How much is enough, and how much is too muc -
    (tags: fandom)

  • synecdochic: Announcing Dreamwidth Studios. Coming Summer 2008. - We're idealists. We always have been. But our idealism is grounded in years of seeing what works and what doesn't, and we're ready to use that experience to build, nurture, and sustain an online community that's built to scratch your itches, fulfill your -

  • [info]opengoal: Random Rambling about Mpreg (again) - I guess one of the big questions that keep bugging me is that, compared with incest or most other kinks, there doesn't seem to be a literary precedent for it (Wraeththu doesn't really count, does it?). As for movies,there are Junior and Enemy Mine but tha -
    (tags: mpreg)

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