metafandom's Journal


6th June 2008

7:54pm: Friday, June 6, 2008

  • wistfuljane: Fandom & Me: A Manifesto of Sort - This post is an attempt to explain my fandom experience and articulate my place within fandom, how I define and interact with it. Of which will be everchanging. It is an attempt to working through my thoughts. -
    (tags: IJ fandom)

  • goodnightsong: The subject of slash - something happened. I don't know what, but currently, some things regarding slash are getting a little old for me. Hell, I love it, yes I do. But certain aspects of the whole slashing everything has begun to become, oh, a wee bit... redundant perhaps? For -
    (tags: fanfic slash)

  • hils: A discussion on RPS - Does meeting an actor affect whether you would write RPS about them? Does it depend on whether they mind or not? -
    (tags: rpf)

  • mahaliem: Lurker, Commenter, Flist, or BFF? - Many of you on my flist love cons and meeting the actors. But is there anyone else out there like me, who'd prefer not meeting them? -
    (tags: fandom)

  • talitha78: Seven Things I Know about Vidding - 1.) Love, love, LOVE the song you're using. It makes everything so much more enjoyable, especially when you consider that you will be listening to that sucker over a hundred times during the course of vidding it. -
    (tags: vidding)

  • curtana: A brief musing on slash - I observed a male* reaction of discomfort regarding some (relatively mild) slashy innuendo. I wondered how much of such discomfort[...]is due to the uncomfortable surprise of seeing male characters sexualized in ways that women are accustomed to -
    (tags: slash gender)

  • karnythia: POC in Sci-Fi Carnival #10 (POC Representation in YA Fiction) - One of the things that comes up frequently in discussions of the presence of POC in popular media is the question of how we're presented[...]and the difficulty in finding authors that include good non-stereotypical POC characters. -

  • kurosau: [in roleplayers] Racism in Roleplaying - But it got me thinking. What is racism, and do we express it in our game designs? -
    (tags: RPG racism)

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