metafandom's Journal


5th June 2008

7:06am: Wednesday, June 4, 2008
2:45pm: Thursday, June 5, 2008

  • [info]accioslash: Question......... - And it made me wonder, is there anything that makes you unable to finish an otherwise engaging story? I know some people have mentioned SPaG errors or author's notes inserted in the body of the story, but I was curious if there are any other things that e -
    (tags: fanfic reading)

  • [info]likethesun2: Poll: One True Fandom(s) - how many of us have OTFs--one true fandoms? How many of us have found that one canon--be it TV show, book, film, play, musical, comic, group of real-life actors/musicians/athletes/whatever--that could've been made for us. How many of us get so attached to -
    (tags: poll OTP)

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