[Archive] Meta Roundup: Fannish Stuff of Interest

May 2010

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August 25th, 2008


The State of This Asylum / Call For Volunteers

Hi! Uh, I suck at introductory stuff, so I'll get straight to the point, okay?

You'll have noticed that the updates have been very infrequent. Of course, I never started out with a strictly set posting schedule in the first place, but it's been getting worse. The overall posting activity on IJ has increased over the year, while my own spare time and energy have decreased, and I finally admit that I can't keep doing this newsletter on my own.

I'm really sorry that I didn't react earlier... I kept hoping that I'd soon have more time on my hands again and things would get back to normal, you know? Well, that was rather stupid of me, as it only reduced the usefulness of this asylum for everyone, and I apologize.

Fact is, if I want to maintain [info]meta_roundup and do regular updates, I'll need help. I'd definitely need someone help me collect links, and perhaps even someone who'd help posting individual issues.

As a first step, I've created a poll in my journal to ask who'd be willing to become a compiler or editor, and see what I/we could work with in theory. Comments are open, for questions and discussion. All news and decisions will also get posted here.

The poll will stay open for a week. In the meantime, I'm going to post a regular roundup issue on Wednesday.

Thank you for your patience, and for sticking with this project over time; [info]meta_roundup had its first 'birthday' a few days ago, actually (Aug 3rd), and I remember how anxious I was in the beginning whether it'd even get that far. *feels nostalgic*