[Archive] Meta Roundup: Fannish Stuff of Interest

May 2010

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December 4th, 2007


Poll Time: LJ Stuff Y/N


So. Some of you might remember that the roundups featured way more LJ-related posts in the early days of this community ("early days" meaning, for instance, September). People were starting afresh, but many were still attached to LJ, or using their IJs for cross-posting only. It's understandable -- quite a lot of us have been on LJ for years, or the majority of our friendslists didn't make the move, so it can be difficult.

But up until the SUP deal, the amount of LJ-related posting activity went down. I got the feeling that people were busy making themselves at home on IJ, thus not thinking as much about LJ than before, and more and more often, I saw posts where users either couldn't bring themselves to care, or were downright fed up with the topic. They seem to have moved on. As an example, I'd like to point you to this post by [info]tigresslilly, which imho explains the feelings behind this very well.

And so I'd like to know whether you, the [info]meta_roundup readers, think posts about LJ should still be included in the future, and if so, in what form.

Poll #665 LJ Topics Poll
Open to: All, results viewable to: All

Should the roundups continue to include LJ/6A-related posts?

View Answers

Yes, just like before
14 (21.2%)

Yes, but in condensed form, as in the previous issue
27 (40.9%)

Yes, but only major events (e.g. LJ gets sold *again*)
14 (21.2%)

1 (1.5%)

Undecided / don't mind either way
10 (15.2%)

For what it's worth, I'm one of those users who feel they have moved on eventually... but I'm fine with whatever the majority votes for. :)