[Archive] Meta Roundup: Fannish Stuff of Interest

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October 22nd, 2007


Issue #24 a (Dumbledore Edition, part two)


Again, I'm splitting up this issue. The general meta goes into the next entry.

[info]yonmei: Actually, I’m kind of annoyed.: "For two reasons: One, saying Dumbledore was gay after Book 7 was published and there aren’t going to be any more is kind of a cop-out. [...] The other: Lupin was gay. Tonks was a dyke. They got married off to each other as soon as possible after some fans pointed out to Rowling that Lupin “read” as gay, and they were both killed off ..."

[info]rian: My ass is twitching. You people, you make my ass twitch.: "Please, someone, point out to me anywhere - in any of the books - it would have been appropriate, or relevant in any way to the main plot of the books (ie Harry's quest to defeat Voldemort), to reveal that Dumbledore (or, indeed, any one of the adult characters) was gay." (Cont. in My ass is still twitching.: "It is not Jo Rowling's job to teach children tolerance towards gay people.".)

[info]svartalfur: *grumbles about Dumbles*: "The HP books aren't all of a sudden gay-friendly or less conservative. The hetero-normative world view still prevails, (heterosexual) marriage and breeding is still the way to salvation."

[info]accio_arse: Dumbledore is gay' sez JKR: "So, fair dos. A big, major character is gay. Okay, my statistical annoyances are mollified. Yet I still gripe..."

[info]emiime: Oh look! Another Dumbledore post on your flist!: "She definitely hinted at it in the text--I think we all saw it. But, looking at this from her perspective, she is in this to make money. And with the homophobic contingent [...] making up a portion of her sales, she was probably smart not to do so, from a financial perspective."

[info]memorycharm: the news. yes, THAT news.: "This is GOOD news, y'all! It's a major character, not some random one liner Blaise/Ernie/whoever."

[info]tigresslilly: Here we go from the top: " I predict that JKR's announcement that Dumbledore is gay is about to create a sexuality wank. Sure we're talking canon vs non-canon right now, but we'll move past that. [...] Also, I wonder about what sexuality means in the HP world."

[info]lilithilien: I can't believe I'm glad the weekend's over!: "My personal opinion on all this? I just really wish the woman would shut up. [...] I've seen others who think we should just give her a break because gee weren't her books great (sorry, but a BIG no -- she should be held to the same standard as any other author is)."


Issue #24 b


This issue has been split; 24 a has the Dumbledore / HP / JK Rowling meta.

[info]blktauna: untitled post: "Sorry, but if you can't participate in Yuletide, for whatever reason. Then you can't. [...] It's not "exclusionary" its just the rules done to suit the organisers."

[info]brownbetty: Some thoughts on writing outside my experience: "Recently, and not so recently, I've come across a couple of stories, or had them pointed out to me, within greater fandom, where the history or culture of marginalized groups was employed to make a story more exotic or interesting, with the result the story was offensive. So I'm trying to think of how one can avoid this."

[info]xie_xie_xie: REPOST: A QAF Fanfic Writer's Guide to HIV/AIDS: "But having lived through the emergence of the HIV epidemic, seen many friends get sick and die of AIDS, and knowing a somewhat unnaturally huge amount about HIV testing and treatment, the many fics that make very basic errors in dealing with HIV kind of grate on my nerves more than anything other than Brian calling Justin "baby." So I thought I'd write up this little guide, for those who might want it and find it useful."

As usual, you can leave links to meta entries by commenting here or on the screened comments entry. General questions can be asked on the FAQ post. :)