Holiday porn for everyone! -- Day [entries|friends|calendar]
Holiday porn for everyone!

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We're done! [01 Jan 2008|12:00am]

We are all finished here, folks. The last of the fics and art have been posted, and now all that remains is the Big Reveal. In the meantime, I hope you will take some time to catch up on on your reading and leave some feedback. Remember, you don't have to have an IJ account to leave a comment, anonymous comments are enabled and are more than welcome. Feedback levels have really been down this year, and it's such a shame because everyone worked so hard. Please go back and leave a note to let the writers and artists know you enjoyed their work.

I'll be revealing the Secret Santas and posting the master list on January 4.

Oh, and if by some weird chance you wrote or drew for this project and did NOT get a gift fic or art in return, please comment here or email me at merry_smutmas @ and let me know. Thanks, and Happy New Year, all! :-)
115 stockings stuffed| stuff a stocking

Merry Smutmas 2007 Stats Report! [01 Jan 2008|12:30pm]
With the permission of [info]gmth (may the gifts of the new year be hers!), I'm linking to the all-singing, all-dancing stats report for [info]merry_smutmas 2007, which is over in my journal. The report includes totals (and percentages) of pairings and individual characters, plus the winners of the "most slutty character" competition, the threesome lists, and some a quick [info]smutty_claus report as well, for comparison purposes.

(Note: the main post is here in my LJ, but for those of you who really, really hate LJ these days, here's an IJ link for you instead)
stuff a stocking

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