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Holiday porn for everyone!

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Merry Smutmas, [info]t_quibbler! [02 Dec 2007|12:00am]

To: [info]t_quibbler
From: [info]shocolate

Title: Well, Who Hasn't Kissed Ginny Weasley?
Rating: Just a little bit NC-17
Pairing: Neville/Harry/Dean
Disclaimer: I own nothing, I make no profit, the Trio are safe in Scotland, with the lovely, blond lady.
Summary: They have more in common than just being War Heroes.
Warnings: Mention of female boobies.
Author's notes: Written for [info]merry_smutmas 2007, and betaed by the stunning M and the shiny A.

Well, Who Hasn't Kissed Ginny Weasley? )
119 stockings stuffed| stuff a stocking

Merry Smutmas, [info]theothermoony! [02 Dec 2007|08:00am]

To: [info]theothermoony
From: [info]glockgal

Title: Can't Resist Those Potters
Rating: R
Pairing: Teddy/James
Disclaimer: JKR's peeps, not mine.
Warnings: Boy-sex, emo!punk!Teddy, overly-gleeful!James. Image is NOT WORKSAFE.
Artist's notes: All I could think of was how baffled James was that Teddy snogged Victoire. James really couldn't understand why Teddy wasn't snogging him, after all. ;D It's still Marauders Era...IN THE FUTURE! *cue whimsical sci fi music*

Can't Resist Those Potters )
170 stockings stuffed| stuff a stocking

Merry Smutmas, [info]severity_softly! [02 Dec 2007|04:00pm]

To: [info]severity_softly
From: [info]scribbulus_ink

Title: A Fine Romance This Is
Rating: NC17
Pairings: Snape/Lupin, past Lupin/Tonks
Disclaimer: All HP characters and concepts are copyrighted by JKR and WB; this is for non-profit, entertainment purposes only.
Summary: Post-war Alternate Reality. It's been three months of (admittedly good) shagging, but Severus wants to know where he stands with Remus and takes drastic measures to find out.
Warnings: Cross-dressing
Author's notes: Merry smutmas, severity_softly! I had fun choosing from your kink list, and I hope you enjoy the results. Many thanks to my cheerleader and my beta, who shall remain anonymous for now.

A Fine Romance This Is
93 stockings stuffed| stuff a stocking

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