Royal Court

November 15th, 2010

Assignments / Beta / Pinch Hitters!!

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Thank you all for signing up for Merry Merthur!

We were so excited yesterday that we plowed through the paperwork and finished all assignments! So, your assignments will be emailed out today! If you do not receive your assignment, please check the spam folder of your email for merrymerthur at gmail dot com. If it is not there, please email us at that address and let us know. Everyone should have their assignments by 5pm EST today!!

If you are interested in beta reading for a writer or in pinch-hitting (writing a fic in place of someone who has had to drop out of the exchange), please either email us or reply with your email address and what you are volunteering for below.

We are so excited to see such a great group of artists and authors join Merry Merthur and cannot wait to see these wonderful prompts come to life!

So without further ado, let the magic begin!
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