
September 7th, 2011

To Remember


September 7th, 2011

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Who: Freddy and Caleb
Where: Their dorm room
When: Tuesday, September 6, in the evening
What: Weirdness is happening and life must go on.

The air around the foot of his bed has been cold for a while now but it's starting to spread, getting worse each night as the shadow of a person at the foot of his bed keeps trying and keeps failing to be heard. Freddy wishes he could help but he doesn't know how. Alternately, if he can't figure out what to do, he wishes that it wouldn't get so frustrated and freeze him out of his bed when it obviously doesn't know what to do about this, either. Neither wish coming true, he sits curled into a blanket, back to the headboard, chin resting on the pillow he's pulled up close to his chest as he stares into the odd non-darkness beyond. He vaguely contemplates digging out some sweatpants and a hoodie, maybe a pair of socks. Maybe he should do some homework. Does he even have any homework? He can't remember. His eyes start to slide closed, only to snap open again, a bit wider than before, when the seemingly harmless ghost in front of him becomes something far more terrifying against the back of his eyelids.
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