Megidolaon: a Shin Megami Tensei fan asylum

October 2nd, 2008

Megidolaon: a Shin Megami Tensei fan asylum


October 2nd, 2008

fic: get a haircut or get a (hand) job [persona 3, shinjiro, akihiro]

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Fandom: Persona 3
Title: Get a Haircut or Get a (Hand) Job
Characters/Pairings: Shinjiro, Akihiro (imaginary slash?)
Rating: PG
Warning: Possible spoilers, if you recognise the names you're ok?
Other: New fandom!  Hello!  ::waves::    ...and I really need to finish the game/inaccuracies worry me. orz


Aki must get his hair cut every three weeks to keep that crop so perfect. )

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