Megidolaon: a Shin Megami Tensei fan asylum

August 27th, 2008

Megidolaon: a Shin Megami Tensei fan asylum


August 27th, 2008

[Persona 3] Fursona 3: Resolution (Akihiko, Shinjiro)

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Game: Persona 3
Characters: Akihiko, Shinjiro
Warnings: furry, October Full Moon spoilers (AU)


fic: "Likeness," Nocturne

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Title: Likeness
Author: Laylah
Game: Nocturne
Pairing: Sakahagi/Futomimi
Rating: er. R-ish for violence, glossed sexual content
Spoilers: ...set before the player's arrival in Asakusa, but character spoilers through the Fourth Kalpa. ^^;
There must be something worth hurting around here.

Likeness )
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