Megidolaon: a Shin Megami Tensei fan asylum

August 20th, 2008

Megidolaon: a Shin Megami Tensei fan asylum


August 20th, 2008

Megaten on Demand - Unfilled Request Master List

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This is the unfilled request list for Megaten on Demand -- this list will be updated once a month, when the new request post goes up, with the previous month's requests. Requests are listed here in the order they were posted.

Anyone is welcome to fill these requests at any time! To make sure the requester sees it, please leave a comment to the original request (linked in this post). ^_^

master request list )

Megaten on Demand request post - August

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Megaten on Demand hopes to be an ongoing thing in [info]megidolaon, in which you can make suggestions for fic or art you'd like to see, and likewise go look at others' requests when you want inspiration. ^_^

The rules: Each person may make two requests each month. Please make your requests in separate comments to this post, so that the master list can link to the details for each one. You can be as simple or as detailed as you'd like about what you want to see -- it just needs to involve one or more of the Shin Megami Tensei games. If your request contains spoilers, please say so (and mention which game) in the subject of your comment, so people who are browsing can skip any that they need to. We encourage anyone to leave requests, and everyone who's interested is welcome to write or draw for any of them (more than once, even!).

The master list of unfilled requests can be found HERE.
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