Megidolaon: a Shin Megami Tensei fan asylum

July 30th, 2008

Megidolaon: a Shin Megami Tensei fan asylum


July 30th, 2008

[Persona 3] Rinse, Repeat (Shinjiro, Akihiko, Mitsuru)

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Game: Persona 3
Characters: Shinjiro, Akihiko, Mitsuru
Spoilers: Up to and including Sept 2.
WC: ~600

Notes: This is [info]lynndyre's fault. Squint and this is maybe happening sometime between Sept 3 and 5?

I expect this takes ridiculous liberties with dorm bathrooms, at the least.

Link: Mitsuru's bikini is a shade whiter than her skin. Aki's got a pair of black Speedos. Shinji is wearing the same grey-brown-navy pair of underwear he's been wearing for the last four days sodden against his skin, isn't enjoying the view, clamping his eyes shut against the shampoo suds trailing down his face, because they're making him take a bath, the bastards.
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