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Back January 8th, 2008 Forward
Note to Jamie, Julian, Marianne, Matt and Bastian

I just wanted to thank you guys for helping me yesterday. I should have said something then, but...I guess I was in shock and not thinking clearly, so I'm sorry for that. It's a wonderful thing to have friends such as you all, and knowing that you'll come running without question...I can't begin to tell you how much that means to me, even if I tried for the rest of my life.

The man that died yesterday was a good one, so much better than myself, and even though I only knew him for a few short hours, I'll miss him. And, with my reaction to his death, it only makes me wonder what will happen to me if I ever hurt one of you. This has to stop. And soon. I can't risk putting another person I care about in danger. I know this isn't going to be pleasant for me - hell, for any of us - but please. We have to figure out a way to get this son of a bitch out of me before I do something else terrible.

I love you all, and trust you endlessly (yes, even you, Julian). I just can't wait until things can go back to the way they're supposed to be. Thank you, again. From the bottom of my heart.


Cards Dropped in Jamie, Julian, Marianne, Bastian and Ellesandra's mail boxes


Inside the card )

Back January 8th, 2008 Forward