Mar. 16th, 2008


HL: Worth Having - Methos/Joe implied, PG

Worth Having
by maygra

Highlander: Methos/Joe implied, PG.

for kensieg & Sweet Charity. Many thanks to [info]dswdiane & [info]acostilow for the look-over and encouragement.

3,183 words

As One Who Having Wandered All Night Long
by Robert Louis Stevenson

As one who having wandered all night long
In a perplexed forest, comes at length
In the first hours, about the matin song,
And when the sun uprises in his strength,
To the fringed margin of the wood, and sees,
Gazing afar before him, many a mile
Of falling country, many fields and trees,
And cities and bright streams and far-off ocean's smile. )