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Sunday, January 20th, 2008

    Time Event
    Pimping M*A*S*H

    The plan is, I get together with a friend and I show her M*A*S*H episodes till she's hooked or she begs for mercy. Or, well, because I am a kindly soul (no, honestly, I am) plan on showing her six episodes, so just under 3 hours of TV time, with a backup six in case she's still interested. (She might be.)

    I want to make those six:

    Two really, really Hawkeye-is-bi episodes. So they could be Trapper-and-Hawkeye being a terrible couple, or some thing else.

    Two really good Hawkeye/Mulcahy episodes.

    Two good ensemble episodes in which Hawkeye and Mulcahy both have good roles even if they don't interact much.

    And of course they all six have to be good episodes. And it would be neat if they were spread out a bit through the seasons. I want to turn her on to Hawkeye/Mulcahy, but I also want her to like M*A*S*H.

    I'll post my current ideas in a comment, but I'd really like to hear yours.

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