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Thursday, August 4th, 2011

    Time Event

    The year is 2011. It has been six years since the governments of the world admitted to the existence of the Augmented-- a new sub-species of humans with superhuman abilities, caused by genetic mutations. The source of these 'Augmentations', as the people have termed them, has yet to be discovered (or, as the more cynical will say, 'admitted to') by any government or agency involved. And yes, for better or worse, multiple governments and agencies have decided to, or been forced into, involving themselves.

    As with any great social debate, the Augmented 'Issue' has reached the international stage. The usual powers have drawn the expected lines; from the more permissive countries passing Civil Rights legislation, to the more traditional passing "human rights" laws to protect real humans from the 'creatures' and 'freaks' that science has supposedly inflicted on Mankind. America, with its moderate stance and decided lack of action, has received the limelight once again on the eve of multiple high-profile bills and laws being slated to roll through Congress. Issues concerning identification and registration of the Augmented, civil rights concerns, even the patent for a cure, are all slowly inching their way through the American bureaucratic machine.

    All the while, the two 'non-political' factions, led by the Augmented themselves, are already in the midst of cautiously (or, in some cases, anxiously) preparing for the war to come. Because no matter the decisions, there will be fallout. And no one, human or Augmented, will be left unaffected.

    [info]augmented is an original character (OC) superpowers game in the vein of the X-Men, Watchmen, and other politically-driven superhero/mutant franchises. Both human and Augmented characters are welcome and encouraged to take part in the war (metaphorical and literal) over the question of what, exactly, it is to be (super)human.
    Marvel: Art of War

    MARVEL: Art of War

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    The year is 1963.

    It is a time in history like no other. There are those who feel that they are standing on the dawn of a golden age while others feel that the threat of nuclear war will tear the nation apart. The fire of the Civil Rights Movement is beginning to blaze with men and women standing up against oppression at home even as a new fight looms ahead in Southeast Asia.

    Against this backdrop of conflict and change, a man named Charles Xavier is searching for others of his kind.

    Xavier sees the turmoil ahead. He believes that a war against mutants may soon be coming--he sees it in the reaction of Americans to the threat of the bomb and the fear of mutation. His friend, Erik Lehnsherr, argues that violence should be met with violence, that mutants should strike first and enslave those who would harm them. But Xavier is not a man quick to anger and instead, he is preparing a sanctuary for those who would band together for protection. It is not children that he seeks but men and women--in case the battle is brought to their front door.

    As movements march on and wars erupt, Xavier’s dream turns from fantasy to necessity. Where will it lead mutantkind?

    MOST WANTED: Brotherhood members, Morlocks, Hellfire Club, Warren Worthington III (Angel), Jean Grey (Marvel Girl), Bobby Drake (Iceman), Scott Summers (Cyclops), John Proudstar (Thunderbird), Shiro Yoshida (Sunfire), Betsy Braddock (Psylocke), Sean Cassidy (Banshee)... and those not listed on our taken list.

    Now accepting applications! Join today>>>>>


    [info]silverage via [info]silveragemod: The only multifandom game set in 1964 and created on whim by Doctor Sheldon Cooper.

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