Apr. 7th, 2017


[Natasha Romanoff (MCU), Sam Wilson (MCU), Clint Barton (616)]
Let's tighten the perimeter around Bucky's location. We're risking detection, I know. But we're familiar with his schedule. There should be a window when he leaves the apartment for the market this afternoon. When that happens, I'll go in. I need everyone close
[Clint Barton (616)]
Do you want to maybe... get a coffee with me, or something?
I don't know how good the coffee is going to be.

Apr. 1st, 2017


Well, hello there New York!

Mar. 27th, 2017


[Laura Kinney]
Hi there.

Logan said I should talk to you.

I'm Natasha.

Mar. 12th, 2017


[Filtered to the Avengers (All)]
For the last several months or so, I've been monitoring the frequencies and channels associated with some of our (and your) world's more notable troublemakers so we can stay ahead of whatever is coming.

I started picking up something familiar last night, but I wanted to wait until I finished running some diagnostics this morning before I freaked everyone out.

I'm seeing some data patterns that look a lot like Ultron's.