May 8th, 2008

[info]ex_luckbeala72 in [info]marvel_ww

Domino was wandering around, wondering why she was still there. Sure, the girl Lupa was a musing, and would be useful someday, but that hardly warranted an extended stay anywhere.

Her horse seemed happy, at least. He nudged her as she brushed him. She sighed and continued to groom him, thinking about all the places she'd been and people she'd seen. Maybe it was time to stay in one place for a bit?

She hadn't reached a decision by the time she finished grooming her horse, so she patted his flank and gave him an apple before heading into town.

There had to be something to do here.

[info]umbragegrows in [info]marvel_ww


Warning - First post contains some very dirty Marquis de Sade. NSFW. At all. )