Wednesday, August 14th, 2013

Who: Thor, Sif and Dani Moonstar (and open to Fandral if he wants to crash)
NPCs: ---
When: 8/14/13
Where: Avengers Mansion - the Lawn
What: Two Asgardians (at least) and a Valkyrie meet on Midgard.
Rating: PG-13

It shall be meet this human woman that has so impressed the Valkyrior. )
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Thursday, July 18th, 2013

Who: Thor and Sif
NPCs: ---
When: 7/16 (backdated)
Where: SHIELD lock up
What: Thor comes to rescue Sif.
Rating: PG-13

M'Lady. )
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Monday, July 15th, 2013

Who: Sif & Maria Hill
When: July 15, 2013, the morning after this
What: Sif is in SHIELD custody and Maria wants some answers.
Rating: PG-13?

She'd seen the footage from New Mexico, she knew what this woman was capable of. )
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Sunday, July 14th, 2013

Narrative: Sif arrives in Midgard ready for a new adventure

Who: Sif
When: 14th July 2013. Dusk
Where: Outskirts of NYC
What: Sif arrives in Midgard and allows herself to be taken into SHIELD custody
Rating: G

The world of Midgard was unknown to her so it would be very much like a child taking their first steps and for Sif who as a child had learned to run before she had learned to walk it was a frightening prospect )
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Wednesday, March 28th, 2012

Who: Alpha Flight, Loki, (Sif?)
NPCs: LOTS. Canadians, Members of Parliament, NPC Members of Alpha Flight (Guardian, Vindicator, Sasquatch, Talasim, Snowbird), ect.
When: March 28th, 2012
Where: Parliament Hill, Canada
What: Alpha Flight vs. Loki
Rating: I’m guessing PG-13

True North Strong And Free )
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Thursday, March 1st, 2012

Who: Loki and Sif
NPCs: Various Asgardians
When: Thursday, March 1 - by the reckoning of Midgard
Where: First Loki's home, then Asgard!
What: Loki and Sif go home for a visit!
Rating: PG-13

Come... )
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Thursday, February 16th, 2012

To: Bruce Banner
From: Sif
Date: 15th Feb 2012

You have [1] new e-mail )
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Tuesday, January 31st, 2012

Who: Loki (Open to Sif, if she wants)
NPCs: --
When: Wednesday, January 31)
Where: Loki's cabin, in the Great White North
What: Loki contemplates his next move
Rating: PG

Loki is disappointed.... )
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Sunday, January 15th, 2012

Who: Loki, Sif
When: 1/9/12 - backdated
Where: New York street
What: Sif turns to Loki
Rating: PG-13 for now...

Sif hated being undecided. )
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Monday, January 9th, 2012

Who: Thor, Sif (+OPEN)
NPCs: n/a
When: 1/9
Where: In front of the Avengers' gate
What: Thor deals with the morning commute.
At least he didn't have to deal with traffic. More or less )
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Wednesday, December 14th, 2011

Who: Sif, Bruce Banner, and OTA EC Avengers
Where: Avengers Mansion, Manhattan, NY
When: 12/12/11
What: Sif goes to Avengers Manor for help with Thor

Doth thou exercise? )
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Tuesday, November 29th, 2011

Who: Erik Blake, Carol Danvers (+Sif, other visitors?)
NPCs: Assorted nurses
When: Tuesday, 11/29, evening
Where: SHIELD hospital facility upstate
What: Erik wakes up Thor-less.
Rating: PG-13
It was a truth universally acknowledged that doctors made horrible patients )
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Sunday, November 27th, 2011

Who: Loki, Sif
NPCs: -
When: Sunday, November 27
Where: Boldt Castle, Upstate New York
What: Loki is still looking for that elusive Tome, and Sif dares to stop him
Rating: PG-13, maybe more? There's going to be a rumble!

His search had led him here... )
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Thursday, November 10th, 2011

Who: Sif and Thor
Where: Thor's Apartment
When: Nov. 11, 2011
What: Midgard 101 Training

It had been hundreds of years, maybe more than a thousand, since the last time Sif had been to Midgard. )
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Monday, October 31st, 2011

Who: Thor!pool and OT Sif, Thor and the other Avengers
NPCs: Passerbys
When: October 27th, 2011. Night (Backdated)
Where: New York City. Central Park
What: The end of Thor!pool!
Rating: PG-13

Read more... )
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Tuesday, October 4th, 2011

Who: The International Sensation Thor!pool & The Ol' Ball & Chain Sif
When: October 3rd
Where: New York City; Central Park
What: Wade kills some time to digest the fifty or so gordita's he just ate. He runs into the missus. Sort of..
Rating: PG-13ish?

What happened? Did the killer robot turn into fluffy kittens? )

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Monday, September 26th, 2011

Who: Sif, Thor, Carol?
Where: Manhattan, The Brooklyn Bridge
When: 9/26/11 - night
What: She appears

She was going to have to defenestrate him... )
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Tuesday, April 5th, 2011

TAGS post

So I have to use a tag before you can use it even if I created it. boo.
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