Thursday, September 15th, 2011

To: Hannibal
From: Wanda
Subject: I just saw...
Date: 15/09/2011

From the desk of Professor Wanda Maximoff, Art History teacher... )
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Wednesday, August 3rd, 2011

Who: Hannibal & Open to everyone else traveling to Spain during the time of the Inquisition for Non Salem With Trails Timez
NPCs: Potentially Lots! Spanish people, Inquisitors, ect
When: During the Inquisition [I will narrow this time down in a bit]
Where: Spain!
What: Time Travel. Lets just say that nothing in Hannibal's experience with vampire hunting has prepped him for this
Rating: TBA!

'Who put a church in my path?' )
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Saturday, July 16th, 2011

To: Wanda
From: Hannibal
Subject: Heads Up
Date: July 16th, 2011
Attachment: haveyouseen.jpg

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Thursday, July 14th, 2011

Who: Wanda and Weeze
NPCs: --
When: July 14th - late morning
Where: Starbucks
What: Seeing someone after ten years is rarely what you'd imagine it to be.
Rating: PG-13

College was the best of times, college was the worst of times. Or rather just the latter. )
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Sunday, June 5th, 2011

Text to Wanda Maximoff

TO: Wanda Maximoff
FROM: Lorna Dane
DATE: June 5

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Thursday, May 19th, 2011

Who: Hannibal and Wanda
When: (Backdate) May 11th
Where: California - Cheap Motel
What: Wanda has some further questions for Hannibal about vampires and vampire hunting.
Rating: PG

Vampire 101 )
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Wednesday, May 18th, 2011

Who: Hannibal and Wanda
NPCs: Vampires, Young woman
When: (Backdate) May 10th
Where: Small city square - near(ish) the WCA Mansion
What: Wanda finds out what would drag a person across a country. Part Two.
Rating: PG-13

Part Two )
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Who: Hannibal and Wanda
NPCs: Vampires, Young woman, Pietro
When: (Backdate) May 10th
Where: Small city square - near(ish) the WCA Mansion
What: Wanda finds out what would drag a person across a country. Part One.
Rating: PG-13
Domo arigato, Mr. Roboto. )
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Who: Jack Hammer, Wanda Maximoff
NPCs: -
When: Distant past
Where: Columbia University classroom
What: Before Jack was known as 'Weasel' he was a math tutor in college and he tutored a student named Wanda, who'd eventually be known as Scarlet Witch.
Rating: PG for language

Let's get this over with... )
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Tuesday, May 3rd, 2011

To: Shield Agents, Avengers
Subject: Mandatory Psychiatric Evaluations Due
Date: May 3

you have [#] unread message )
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Monday, April 25th, 2011

Who: Hannibal and Wanda
NPCs: Vampires
When: April 22nd (Backdated)
Where: NYC streets/Central Park
What: Wanda’s magical 'guidance' catches up to her.
Rating: PG-13

A witch and a vampire hunter walk into a bar... )
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Sunday, April 10th, 2011

To: Tony []
From: Pepper []
Subject: Travel
Date: 4/10/11, Sunday, 4:34 PM (PST)

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To: Clint [], Bobbi [], Wanda [], Jen [], Erik []
From: Pepper []
Subject: Traveling
Date: 4/10/11, Sunday, 4:50 PM (PST)

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To: Sue []
From: Pepper []
Subject: New York
Date: 4/10/11, 4:55 PM (PST)

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Friday, April 8th, 2011

Who: Clint and Wanda
When: (Backdated) April 1st, 2011
Where: WCA HQ: Outside
What: Clint and Wanda play with fire - that is they work on setting arrows alight.
Rating: G

'Look! )
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Thursday, April 7th, 2011

Who: Open to WCA, X-Factor, and anyone else in the area or watching live.
NPCs: Attuma, his barbarian horde, reporters, police officers, and a few other surprises.
When: April 6th, 2011
Where: Hearst Castle, California.
What: Attuma leads his horde against what he believes to be an unprotected bulwark of humanity.
Rating: PG-13 (Pending)

Bash at the Beach )
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Tuesday, April 5th, 2011

TAGS post

So I have to use a tag before you can use it even if I created it. boo.
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Sunday, April 3rd, 2011

E-mail time

To: Weasel
From: Hannibal King []
Subject: Shopping
Date: April 3rd, 2011

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To: Scarlet Witch [ooc: sent to whatever public e-mail / fan address he could find]
From: Hannibal King []
Subject: Scarlet Witch
Date: April 3rd, 2011

You Have One Unread Message )
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Monday, March 28th, 2011

Who: Wanda Maximoff, Thor
NPCs: Um, goats?
When: March 28th, 2011 -- late afternoon
Where: WCA HQ
What: Wanda can explain about the goats - honestly
Rating: PG

Of all the odd mishaps... )
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Left for Pepper in her office )

Other gifts left in rooms:

Jen )

Clint )

Tigra )

Wanda )

Tony )

Bobbi )
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Saturday, March 12th, 2011

Texts: Cain to Wanda

To: Wanda Marko
From: Cain Marko
Date: 3/12/11

You have 4 unread texts )
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Wednesday, March 2nd, 2011

TO: Wanda
FROM: Lorna
DATE: March 2

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