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[14 Feb 2014|09:51am]
Who: Remy + The People At Xavier's
NPCs: ---
When: Feb 14th, 2014
Where: X-School main entrance
What: It's Valentines Day. You can bet Remy got everyone flowers and chocolate.
Rating: G

Happy Valentines Day! )
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[14 Feb 2014|01:47pm]
Who: Jono open to reactions from Jubilee and Laura
NPCs: none
When: Valentine's Day
Where: Laura's door and Jubilee's special room
What: Jono drops some stuff off
Rating: G

He hoped it wouldn't be too weird... )
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[14 Feb 2014|10:44pm]
To: John
From: Regan
Date: 2/14

you have [3] unread texts! )
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