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[14 Jul 2011|12:23pm]
Who: Regan Wyngarde + Quentin Quire
NPCs: ---
When: 7/14
Where: Brotherhood HQ - Avalon
What: Regan is bored and uses the new recruit as entertainment.
Rating: PG-13

Too much sneaky, sneaky. Not enough stabby, stabby. )
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Evil Lurks! [14 Jul 2011|12:41pm]
Who: Carol Danversdottir and Loki Laffeyson Odinson (but she doesn't know that yet.)
NPCs: --
When: Wednesday, July 12, 2011
Where: Carol's apartment, Brooklyn, NY
What: Carol is bumming around when Loki decides to stop for a visit and get more insight into Thor's living situation...amongst other things
Rating: PG?

Read more... )

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[14 Jul 2011|05:23pm]
Who: Wanda and Weeze
NPCs: --
When: July 14th - late morning
Where: Starbucks
What: Seeing someone after ten years is rarely what you'd imagine it to be.
Rating: PG-13

College was the best of times, college was the worst of times. Or rather just the latter. )
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[14 Jul 2011|05:48pm]
Who: Warren + OPEN
NPCs: --
When: July 14th - afternoon/early evening
Where: Central Park
What: After a particularly rough meeting, Warren wonders what being a full time mutant would really be like.
Rating: TBA - but most likely PG

Feeling his wings pressing against the confines of his suit served as a constant reminder of his failure to be someone else. )
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[14 Jul 2011|07:51pm]
TO: Bobby
FROM: Petra
DATE: July 14

You have unread texts )
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[14 Jul 2011|11:51pm]
Who: Tony Stark
NPCs: Maya Hansen
When: July 11th, 2011
Where: Secret underground Stark Facility.
What: Tony undergoes an experimental Extremis process.
Rating: PG

Extremis )
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