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[08 Nov 2009|02:13am]
To: Captain America
From: General Nick Fury
Subject: Assignment
Date: November 7th

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[08 Nov 2009|09:15am]
Who: Kurt Wagner (Nightcrawler); Ororo Munroe (Storm)
NPCs: None
When: Sunday, November 8 - late afternoon
Where: Xavier's Mansion
What: Ororo delivers a message that somebody came to the mansion looking for him.
Rating: PG

...tribulation works patience, and patience produces character, and character produces hope... )
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[08 Nov 2009|10:08am]
Who: Illyana Rasputin & Dane Whitman
NPCs: New Yorkers!
When: Sunday: November 8th, 2009
Where: New York City
What: Illyana teleports into New York City -- complete with a tail and horns. Dane visiting from the UK sees her and thinks she must be a demon, and goes to deal with her. A sword fight ensues, and the end result is a minor magical mishap, that summons the cops.
Rating: PG

Demons -- why did it always have to be demons? )

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[08 Nov 2009|11:50am]
WHO: Sam and Tabby
WHEN: After this, but a few hours after so very early morning on November 7th. Like one or two AM
WHERE: Chicago streets.
WHAT: Upset about Election results, Sam needed air. Tabitha came along with her philosophy that alcohol fixes all. This is drunk Sam. SO FUN.
NOTES: If you need anything edited or changed Mel tell me.

Now, in the spectrum of drunk Sam was somewhere between table dancing and pass out, and was now leaning just a bit on his girlfriend as they left to go back home. )
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Tessa investigates the mutant fight in NYC and meets _____! [08 Nov 2009|07:01pm]
Who: Tessa & Open!
NPCs: Random New Yorkers
When: Sunday 8 November 2009
Where: New York City
What: Having seen the news report of a mutant showdown, Tessa goes to investigate.
Rating: PG?
Note: Seeing how the other thread seemed to be pretty public, I've invented a news report about it for Tessa to respond to. Holler if that's a problem!

Tessa climbed up on a nearby fire escape to survey the scene. )

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