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[21 Aug 2009|01:38am]
Who: Dani Netse Ôhno'kaestse and Bobby Drake
NPCs: ice cream workers
When: August 10th 2009 -- afternoon (backdated)
Where: X-Force HQ → Dani's car → Coldstones Creamery
What: Dani wants to make sure Bobby's really as okay as he seems, since he's going undercover with Sam. She decides a trip for ice cream will soften the interrogation.
Rating: PG

He was called Iceman, so he'd like ice cream, right? )

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[21 Aug 2009|08:22am]
Stations: Fox News, CNN, XNN, local Chicago stations and various other news stations.
When: 20th August, 2009 (Backdated)
What: Various news stations report on the explosions that occurred in Washington, D.C.

'...lead suspects are the mutant terrorists, the Brotherhood of Mutants...' )
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[21 Aug 2009|09:48am]
Who: Chris Bradley
NPCs: His cell mate Billy Bob, some FBI Agents
When: 19th August, 2009 (Backdated)
Where: Austin, Texas: Texas Rangers Holding Cell
What: Chris spends his time in a cramped cell with a man named Billy Bob these days.
Rating: PG

No, they would not be getting anything out of him. )
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Emails: Copycat to Morph and Zero [21 Aug 2009|09:57am]
To: [Kevin Sydney]
From: [Vanessa Carlysle]
Subject: Are you okay??
Date: 8/21/09

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To: [Zero]
From: [Copycat]
Subject: [No subject]
Date: 8/21/09

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Emails: Avengers, General Nick Fury, Professor Charles Xavier [21 Aug 2009|10:08am]
To: [All Avengers]
From: [Captain America]
Subject: [Washington D.C. Attack]
Date: 8/21/09

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To: [General Nick Fury]
From: [Captain America]
Subject: [Washington D.C. Attack]
Date: 8/21/09

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To: [Professor Charles Xavier]
From: [Captain America]
Subject: [Washington D.C. Attack]
Date: 8/21/09

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arrival [21 Aug 2009|11:51am]
Who: Davis Cameron (and open or narrative)
NPCs: none
Where: Chicago, X-Force HQ
When: 21st, afternoon
What: Davis arrives.
Rating: PG

This was the worst time for a vacation. )
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[21 Aug 2009|05:21pm]
Who: Cannonball, Iceman, Meltdown, Mirage, Shadowcat and Slipstream
NPCs: Graydon Creed, Friends of Humanity lackeys
When: August 21st 2009 -- 7pm-ish
Where: Town Hall, FoH HQ and nearby
What: X-Force plus Davis finally put their plan into action for taking the FoH down a notch.
Rating: R (violence/bad language)
Notes: Planning thread can be found here. A news report will be posted with the outcome tomorrow, so we can play it out at our own pace. :) And don't forget to tag the post when you join in!

Mission Possible: X-Force vs. the FoH )

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MI:13 filter [21 Aug 2009|05:29pm]
To: MI:13 team
Subject: Washington
Date:Aug 21, 2009

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Date:Aug 21, 2009

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Email: Lifeguard to Thunderbird [21 Aug 2009|10:13pm]
To: [Neal Shaara]
From: [Heather Cameron]
Subject: Team
Date: 8/21/09

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