Marvel This! Comicbook RPG Ads - May 23rd, 2015 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Marvel This! Comicbook RPG Ads

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May 23rd, 2015

[May. 23rd, 2015|05:26 pm]



The year is 2015. The place is New York City - Manhattan, to be precise - and Central Park is ground zero for a world-shaking phenomenon.

Despite SHIELD having recovered Loki's scepter, they are still clearing up after HYDRA's experiments. Whilst trying to focus the power of the staff the rogue scientists lost control of their project. Perhaps the item was attempting to return to Asgard or it simply let off a burst of energy that punched a hole in the universe. The details are sketchy - none of the scientists survived to tell the tale - the results are what matters now.

All attempts to close the rift have so far proved unsuccessful, though SHIELD continues to try. Meanwhile people from far-away worlds have been transported to a corner of Central Park against their will. The Agents of SHIELD have been tasked with keeping vigil over the rift and helping newcomers settle into their new lives in New York.


It's All Connected is a multi-fandom game set in an alternate Marvel world. Game opens on June 1st.

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[May. 23rd, 2015|06:36 pm]



It has been ten years since the establishment of Division X's sub group, the Mutant Division and the base has become the leading mutant program for the United States. The recruits under go training to become agents who are tasked with keeping the public safe from those that pose a risk to the general population, and to be studied for their mutant abilities and genetics. Despite being a government installation, the base has become a home for the young men and women who have been collected from all over the world, being trained by the heads of the Mutant Division to be the new generation of mutant g men.


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