Marvel This! Comicbook RPG Ads - March 5th, 2015 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Marvel This! Comicbook RPG Ads

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March 5th, 2015

[Mar. 5th, 2015|05:35 am]
[info]mcucrew. we find ourselves terribly in need of a clint barton, a tony stark, and a pepper potts.

barton, there's a very tiny amount of backstory with our grant ward to fill you in on. promise i won't even yell at you. much.
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Starling Central: A DCTV Game [Mar. 5th, 2015|06:27 pm]



Starling CentralOOCMod Journal

PremiseRules/FAQTaken and Held

WantedApplyDirectoryDrop Box

[info]starlingcentral is a gpsl that takes place in the world of the Arrow and the Flash and incorporates other DC comics characters that would fit in that universe. We're plot-focused, threading-heavy, but relatively laid back. We're looking for a few more characters to fill some upcoming storylines. Most wanted characters: Dinah (Drake) Lance, Tommy Merlyn, Malcolm Merlyn, Jason Todd, Dick Grayson

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