Marvel This! Comicbook RPG Ads - January 20th, 2013 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Marvel This! Comicbook RPG Ads

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January 20th, 2013

[Jan. 20th, 2013|01:28 pm]
*Rules*Application*Held and Pending*Cast List*

Mutation. It is the key to our evolution; it has enabled us to evolve from a single-celled organism into the dominate species on the planet. This process is slow; normally taking thousands and thousands of years, but every few millennium evolution leaps forward.

Mutants lived in fear for many years; the majority of them had no where to go, so they hid. The ones that could blend in did, and the others were reduced to hiding in sewers. There were two men that tried to help younger mutants, but they went about it in completely opposite ways. Charles Xavier opened his school for gifted youngsters in Salem, but Erik Lensherr took mutants into his organization called the Brotherhood and trained them to fight. He used the local public high school as a cover for his actions, hiding behind his position as Super Attendant. He used them to caused anarchy in the world; he believed that mutants should be the the superior race. Charles on the other hand believed that the two races could live together in peace.

Recently mutants have been outed into the public eye thanks to Erik's meddling. A private group of humans had created machines known as sentinels to hunt down mutants; of course the public blamed the mutants at first. Thanks to a group of Xavier's students stopping the mutant Juggernaut from destroying a town the school has been exonerated and the students and staff has been allowed to return to the school. The public is still iffy on mutants; there is even debate on whether or not the mutants should be allowed to attend the local public school for their basic classes. Of course none of them are aware that one of the most dangerous mutants in the world is still in control of that school.

The Sentinels have been destroyed, and for the moment there is a shaky peace between the two schools. One of the mutants known as Forge had created a dimensional portal machine, but it only went to one dimension at first. Unfortunately someone on Magneto's side got a hold of the machine and after some tinkering portal pockets started opening up around Bayville. New people have started showing up from these other dimensions; some of them have been human and others have possessed different powers. Of course now that Magneto has learned of these new arrivals he is trying to lure them to his side. Xavier has also learned of the arrivals and has taken several of them in at the Institute.

This is a panfandom game based loosely on The X-Men Evolution cartoon series.
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