Marvel This! Comicbook RPG Ads - October 4th, 2012 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Marvel This! Comicbook RPG Ads

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October 4th, 2012

[Oct. 4th, 2012|12:15 am]



This game is taking the DC Universe and offering it to the player. The Justice League of America follow in the footsteps of the JSA. The Teen Titans, composed of several sidekicks of the JLA, is formed. Many foes native to earth pose a threat to the peace and order of many parts of the world in a world of uncertainty heroes rise to the challenge to meet them head on. How they are played and how we get there is up to us, the players. This game is mostly comic canon with some Show (smallville) or movie knowledge. It is all up to you, as the player. You are more than welcome. Looking forward to hearing back.
[info]leaguersmod | [info]thedcverse | [info]thedcverseooc

Wanted! )
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[Oct. 4th, 2012|12:38 am]



This game is taking the Marvel Universe and offering it to the player. Take your favorite characters and go with them to preserve the peace that is threatened by agents of chaos. How they are played and how we get there is up to you, the players. This game is mostly marvel comic canon with some movie influence. Now that we have some of the roles filled, some more characters are greatly NEEDED. We are Looking forward to hearing from you.
[info]marvelversemod | [info]themarvelverse | [info]marvelverseooc

Premise | Rules | Taken | Bases & Places | Holds | Apply | Wanted

Wanted characters and More info here. )
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[info]upnext [Oct. 4th, 2012|01:30 am]


I'd really appreciate it if someone could pick up Quicksilver/Crystal's 27 - 30 year old son. He has a deep line with his cousin here (Scarlet Witch/Wonder Man's daughter). Contact me if you're interested. Would also like to see his younger sister, Luna. We do have a Polaris child pending currently as well so you'll have lines with other people as well.
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