Marvel This! Comicbook RPG Ads - September 27th, 2012 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Marvel This! Comicbook RPG Ads

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September 27th, 2012

next gen marvel and dc game [Sep. 27th, 2012|06:55 am]



Once, the inhabitants of Earth 616 and Earth One were going about their business. Some were doing homework while others were fighting crime; the one thing they all had in common was being transported to another world completely. The brainy types called it Co-Earth and worked with the others that were transported there on a way to get back home. But not everyone wanted to go back to their worlds, a lot of mutants liked the ease and peace of this new world as the humans from Earth 616 and Earth One stayed there and only mutants and meta-humans crossed over. When even the smartest minds couldn’t find an answer and those supers that could open portals through time and space failed they decided to shape this new world into their own.

Co-Earth takes place after the Avengers movie for Marvel and at the start of The New 52 for DC. This is also a NEXT GENERATION GAME which means no parents can be played.

Game opens with 15 applications.
Most Wanted: EVERYONE!

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