Marvel This! Comicbook RPG Ads - November 3rd, 2011 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Marvel This! Comicbook RPG Ads

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November 3rd, 2011

Marvel Prep - Apply Today! [Nov. 3rd, 2011|10:02 am]

Game Info
Xavier School Stark School

IC Comm
Stark Comm
OOC Comm


Charles Xavier is a man born into a world that isn’t ready for him.

Howard Stark is a man who was born ahead of his time.

Two Futurists – two men of science with visions of a better world the world around them does not seem ready for.

Charles Xavier earned Ph.Ds in genetics, biophysics, psychology, and anthropology, and an M.D. in psychiatry. He is the foremost authority on matters of genetics, mutation, and psionic ability, and is extraordinarily skilled in other areas of science, as well. Arguably the world’s most powerful telepath, Xavier is also a skilled physical combatant.

All of these gifts have been directed toward one purpose – engendering a world, through education, where homo sapiens and homo superior can peacefully co-exist.

In 2007, Xavier opened the doors of his former family home and founded the Xavier School For Gifted Youngsters. Here, young mutants would be taught to explore and control their powers in an environment of acceptance and support, settled in picturesque Westchester County, New York.

Howard Stark is a billionaire, a brilliant inventor, and a genius, years ahead of his time. With Ph.Ds in physics and mechanical engineering, Stark is adept in atomic physics, robotics, artificial intelligence, computer imagery and biochemistry. A ruthless businessman, Stark is also a skilled fighter, whether barehanded, or using any kind of weaponry, from man made to alien technology.

His goal is to make the world and our future a better place to live, through the technological advancements created by the best and brightest minds of today.

To that end, in 2009, Stark founded the Howard Stark School of Tomorrow in Hartford, Connecticut – open to only the best, the brightest, and the most gifted students. While students with Xavier’s significant X-Gene are not excluded, most of the Stark student body consists of meta-humans, and those individuals with super powers.

Here at Marvel Prep we will explore the rivalries and camaraderie’s within and between both of these very unique schools as they come into their own, and begin to shape a future that will be anything but mundane.

And who can forget the joys of teenage hormones?

Join us, and experience the fun for yourself!

GAME BEGAN July 29, 2011. Join today>>>>>

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X-Project: An X-Men Movieverse RPG on Livejournal [Nov. 3rd, 2011|04:27 pm]





Date of Birth: Unknown

Powers: Mutant power nullification.


Not A Little Kid Anymore

Last time I was at the mansion, I was the little green guy, everyone’s pet. Not any more - I’m a lean, mean, green fighting machine! Or I could be. I could be anything, really, that you wanted me to be, and with my adoptive mom going through anti-brainwashing treatment and with my adoptive dad being not exactly the nurturing type, the mansion could be home again. Check me out - think of all the trouble my pal Artie and me could get into!

X-Project is an X-Men movieverse RPG on Livejournal. Set after X2, we've been running since May 2003 and use a combination of in-character journals and email/IM logs. There's a number of settings for a range of play, whatever your preference, and while we accept new characters we strongly encourage people to adopt one of our orphans.

Check out the Wiki and the advertising community to see what's available. Readers are highly encouraged! If you're looking for X-Men based entertainment, X-Project welcomes you to read along and enjoy the ride!

Rules | Application | Available Characters | Game Wiki | Read The Game | FAQ|Contact Us | Follow Us on Twitter!

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[info]progeniture Xkin: A Second Generation Marvel Game [Nov. 3rd, 2011|05:09 pm]

Second Generation Marvel Game

The more things change, the more they stay the same. The original X-men fought the good fight against the Brotherhood and all other comers. Now they have stepped back to live their lives and give way to a new generation. While peace was fleeting, the story truly hasn't changed. Only the actors. Welcome to the world of [info]xkin, the story of the second generation.


[info]progeniture | [info]xkin | [info]ofkin | [info]kinlines

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[Nov. 3rd, 2011|05:19 pm]
in the world there has always been the battle of good vs evil, but never before has it become so obvious. people in costumes dubbing themselves superheroes are starting to become more and more frequent in the world, and some have claimed to been there, helping you, for years. it's the start of a war against the insane, the evil and the powerful that are threatening the world. sides are being chosen. which one will you land on when the new 52 starts?

join the new [info]52, a game inspired by the current dcu reboot!

[info]52 [info]crisis [info]masks
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