Marvel This! Comicbook RPG Ads - February 11th, 2011 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Marvel This! Comicbook RPG Ads

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February 11th, 2011

[Feb. 11th, 2011|02:16 pm]


What if heroes were forced to register into a government run database, revealing their identity and subjecting them to the will of the politicians? Which heroes would go along with the act? Which would resist? Who is responsible for protecting the world now? And who are the true villains?

As a part of the Super Hero Registration Act, the government has issued a law that any and all beings will special abilities are to release their identity to the Federation of United Nations. Even known villains are being subjected to the will of the world-wide governing organization and forced into rehabilitation programs where they will be offered a pardon for their crimes, so long as they follow the orders of the United Federation. The Problem is, can certain villains be rehabilitated? What are their true motives? Are they simply using their position as an tactical advantage to infiltrate and overcome global authorities?

Sure enough, directly under the eye of the UFN (United Federation of Nations), super villains are plotting an overtake of government, bidding their time and awaiting the moment for Dark Reign to begin…

Where will you fall in the midst of this political chaos? Will you join the Resistance and fight against the Registration Act or recognize the importance of diplomacy and work alongside elected officials (corrupt or not)? Or are you one of those taking advantage of the Civil War and have devious plans of your own? Will good over come evil or will the infighting caused by the UFN allow the world to fall into the hands of darkness?

[Premise based on the events of Marvel: Cival War and Marvel: Dark Reign.]
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[Feb. 11th, 2011|02:45 pm]
The Time Leap
*Rules*Application*Held and Pending*Cast List*

In the year 2019 heroes from across the world have come together to create a peaceful society. The Villains seemed to have vanished, but the truth is they are just biding their time. Madame Hydra had her forces build a time machine. She was going to go back in time and take out the two very people who were responsible for the world's current time of peace.

Five heroes learned the truth of her plan and they decided to travel back in time and stop her. Scarlet Witch used her power to send four heroes' spirits back in time. Megan Gwynn, Buffy Summers, Phoebe Halliwell and Bruce Wayne all woke up one morning in their bodies from the year 2000. They were all young again, but they had the knowledge of their future selves. The only problem was none of them knew who Hydra's targets were; they had never found out. It was up to them convince their friends to join forces with each other to stop Hydra. With the knowledge of the future and the strength of her current forces Hydra would be nearly unstoppable. It would take all of them to bring her down.

Hydra's leap through time had one other side effect; it caused there to be pockets of energy in the space time continuum. People were showing up from all time periods. No one has figured out how to close to the time portals yet, and Hydra has figured out how to use them for her advantage. Hydra has gathered some of the worst villains of history to help her complete her task. This war can't be stopped, but how will it end? Which side will prevail? There can't be a true winner; there will be losses on both sides. But since the war must come everyone must choose a side, and in the end only one side will be standing.
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