Marvel This! Comicbook RPG Ads - December 23rd, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Marvel This! Comicbook RPG Ads

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December 23rd, 2009

[Dec. 23rd, 2009|08:48 pm]


i'm playing Vulcan in a shiny new awesome game set in 2012. the premise is that the great change of dec. 21, 2012 creates mutants, and they're all running around untrained and trying to come to terms with their newly emerged powers and a world that fears and hates them.

it's a great AU setting with a healthy cast of dynamic players. i'm looking to play out the family strife between the Summers brothers, Alex (Havok) and Scott (Cyclops). see Vulcan's bio here

i'm also particularly looking for a really fragged-up, totally dysfunctional, possibly short-lived (or not) relationship with some skanky/traitorous/emasculating b&tch-on-wheels who would eventually laugh at him and drive him to the point where Vulcan beats her up.

the game info is HERE. Still wanted are some more X-Men, Acolytes and Hellfire Club people!!
See Taken Folks Here
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