Marvel This! Comicbook RPG Ads - December 20th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Marvel This! Comicbook RPG Ads

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December 20th, 2009

[Dec. 20th, 2009|10:51 pm]
Any X-factor people want to join the fun at [info]x_mod? Ric, Shatty and Madrox need their friends! We've also got plot lines/people looking for Havok, Cyc, Nightcrawler and we'd love a Beast, furry or non-furry. We need X-men and Acolytes both, and OC's are more than welcome!
The premise of the game is set up so that you don't need a ton of canon knowledge to play. Mutants have existed for a year as of the 21st, and a Mutant Registration Act plot just launched. We badly need X-Men and Acolytes, we are a group very happy to plot and help include you in the game!
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