Marvel This! Comicbook RPG Ads - March 26th, 2009 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Marvel This! Comicbook RPG Ads

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March 26th, 2009

okay! [Mar. 26th, 2009|04:25 pm]
Alright, this is just a question. But if I opened a dark themed Gotham-centric community, would anyone be interested? It's going to be open to the DCverse fandom, but that wouldn't mean that Marvels aren't welcome. As most villains are human, I would just be worried they'd end up constantly overpowered and that really wouldn't be too much fun. I'd need a co-mod, but at this point I'm not into developing the story until I find out if there's any real interest in the place. Leave a comment or give me a PM if you want more details.
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Looking for Watchmen players to fill out a group PSL. [Mar. 26th, 2009|11:28 pm]
Hello, everyone, I'm posting here to see if there might be any fellow Watchmen fans interested in forming a PSL group. At this point, we have the characters of The Comedian (Edward Blake) and Rorschach (Walter Kovacs) filled, but we're looking for the rest of the gang including (but not limited to): Nite Owl II (Dan Dreiberg), Dr. Manhattan (Jon Osterman), Silk Spectre II (Laurie Juspeczyk), and Ozymandias (Adrian Veidt).

At this point, we know the timeline for the game is after the Keene Act was passed but before The Comedian's death.

We'd like you to leave your AIM in the comments in order to get in contact with you, all comments are screened. We expect that the scenes will be AIM/threading friendly, whatever might work for the players in question. We're going to ask for a third-person example of yours but no application is required. All we require is a character journal, an example and a way to get in contact with you easily. We'd just like to talk to you and get to know you, as this will be a group PSL as opposed to an open community. We are open to the idea of expansion if it's called for, but we'd like to start with a close-knit group of players and see what might be accomplished there.

This game will consist of darker themes, so we expect all players to be aware and mature of this. Watchmen is gritty and quite twisted at some points, we would like to keep this tone. Be open-minded. Once the players are assembled, we'll ask for input as far as an overarching plot and any other future decisions fare. Please be ready to brainstorm as well as play, we need your help!

We look forward to responses, so please include in the comment: your AIM name and the character you'd be interested in playing.
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