Marvel This! Comicbook RPG Ads - December 16th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Marvel This! Comicbook RPG Ads

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December 16th, 2008

[Dec. 16th, 2008|12:49 am]


Are there any games out there that accept completely AU versions of canon characters? I have a very AU version of a Smallville/DC sort of character I'm dying to play somewhere.
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[Dec. 16th, 2008|04:59 pm]
Out Of Nothing X-Men RPG
It is a dangerous time to carry the X-gene. M-Day has depowered all but a few hundred mutants. Mutant hate groups threaten even those remaining few. A mutant messiah has been born and hunted. Xavier’s School has been destroyed ….again. This time, it seems that Xavier’s dream has been destroyed with it. The X-Men are left searching for a new dream to believe in and a new war to wage. Relocating across the country, they’re attempting to rebuild their team, their lives and their dream… out of nothing.

Fandom: X-Men Comic (616)
Opened: November 10, 2008
Age Limit: 18+
Characters Most Wanted: Colossus, Cyclops, Dazzler, Dust, Gambit, Meltdown, Mercury, Moonstar (depowered), Nightcrawler, Prodigy (depowered), Rockslide, Sunspot. Any logical mutant/x-man we didn't think of, just ask!
Restricted: OCs. Villains. Telepathic, Mind Control, Reality Warping, and Time Travel powers. For a complete list of restricted characters, contact [info]out_of_context
Contact: [info]out_of_c0ntext for more information, access to friends-only rp content or an application. Please give your email address and aim username for us to contact you directly.
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