Marvel This! Comicbook RPG Ads - October 10th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Marvel This! Comicbook RPG Ads

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October 10th, 2008

[Oct. 10th, 2008|08:28 am]
the 2008 comic fandom awards!
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Beyond RPG ; DC Alternate Universe [Oct. 10th, 2008|11:05 am]

In 2040, super powers have become rare, for reasons that the experts argue about; and those who have them generally don't go into the costumed criminal/costumed adventurer route. On the whole, society is prosperous and happy, and the various attacks from forces unknown that had been predicted for the new Millennium on the whole never materialized – but the ones that did become true to their predicted prophecies have turned out to be, or at least appeared to be, less catastrophic.

Things change though…

Criminal activity is on the rise, and there is a growing conflict between traditional superheroes; such as Superman, Wonder Woman, and Batman… the Justice League, and a growing population of largely amoral and dangerously irresponsible new vigilantes. Without the moral compass provided by Superman and his generation, there is little or no distinction between heroes and villains. Metahumans battle openly in the streets without true cause, concern for collateral damage, or innocent passers-by.

Like a phoenix rising from its’ own ashes, the Justice League has once again assembled to return order to chaos. Unlike their predecessors, this new league rising, albeit share the same values, have a different means of handing out justice.

The world is ready for a new age of Heroes.


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