Marvel This! Comicbook RPG Ads - September 13th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Marvel This! Comicbook RPG Ads

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September 13th, 2008

Shot in the dark! [Sep. 13th, 2008|06:05 pm]


A friend and I are looking for a game that has openings for both Jean Grey and Emma Frost. We can both provide previous journals where we played those characters and love plot. Help us out?

Thank you!
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[Sep. 13th, 2008|11:46 pm]
Currently seeking one to two more mods for the DC vs Marvel game we're trying to reopen. Mods would be in charge of the DC side of things since we have Marvel covered. Mods will be in charge of helping out with re-creating journals, pimping, going over apps, working out overall plot, and stuff like that. It would be preferrable if the would be mods played the big names like Batman, Superman, or Wonder Woman... as they would then be asked to make a nifty little mod journal like Batmod, Supermod, or Wondermod... depending on what ij has open

if interested comment this entry or im me at bloodiedbloom and please be reliable
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