Marvel This! Comicbook RPG Ads - August 16th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Marvel This! Comicbook RPG Ads

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August 16th, 2008

[[info]hero_network] [Aug. 16th, 2008|10:02 pm]


full premise | rules | group descriptions | notable locations | timeline

taken characters and faces | wanted characters | hold a character or pb | application


This is how the world falls apart.

It starts eighteen months ago. The legislation that requires all metahumans to register is hotly debated, but passes in the end. Medical testing commences - genetic rights are forfeit. There are whispers of a cure, but it's too late. Those who resist are neutered, their powers stripped from their blood by vaccine or branding. Metahumans protest, demonstrate, and things are turbulent, but can still be salvaged.

Then the Sentinels come. With labels from Stark Industry, technology stolen, revamped, used against us. Public executions begin, of high-profile Metahumans. Wayne Academy collapses under its own political weight. The Hero Network, an organization of metahumans from every walk of life, sinks into the shadows to defend its kind.

And then the prisons open.

Now, August 2009, there is no defense. There is no escape. We will hide, we will run, we will try our hardest to survive. But we will still be betrayed, see each other at our worst, fight our hardest. Join the fight. Pick a side.

(read more...)

- All comic labels welcome, within reason.
- Many canon characters available.
- Original characters are accepted.
- Friendly and talented writers.
- Supportive of both personal and game-wide plots.
- NC-17 friendly; this game is for players eighteen years of age or older.
- Slash, femme-slash and het friendly.
- Folks from Marvel, DC, Vertigo, etcetera
- Original characters
- Brotherhood Members
- YOU!
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