Marvel This! Comicbook RPG Ads - February 6th, 2008 [entries|archive|friends|userinfo]
Marvel This! Comicbook RPG Ads

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February 6th, 2008

That X-Men Game [Feb. 6th, 2008|02:41 pm]

Welcome to Mutant High!

Where friends become enemies. Where a cold shoulder takes on a whole new meaning. Where the teachers really do have eyes in the backs of their heads.

[info]thatxmengame is a Mansion-based X-men RPG that promises to be drama-free. Sticking fairly close to canon, we're nonetheless throwing timelines out the window. Want a 16 year old Logan mooning after a 38 year old Jean Grey? No problem! We're a mix of movie,
comic, and cartoon canon, and we're always open to new ideas and plot lines. Unlike most X-men games, we're not heavy on the action; this is a game in which your characters can thrive and develop, without getting into fights on a daily basis.

Characters should be students High School to college age, or teachers / staff at the school. Canon characters preferred, though if you can show you can play at 2 canon characters successfully for at least 4 months, we'll let you sub an original character.

So, what are you waiting for? Come join the madhouse!
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Xtended [Feb. 6th, 2008|05:24 pm]



The Cure didn't work. So the government decided to step in and put it up a notch. The Mutant Registration Act was finally passed. All mutants are required to carry IDs stating their mutation or they would be arrested for breaking the law. Separate prisons were built for mutant criminals. The use of mutant powers in public not only incited riots, but now carries a minimum prison sentence of fifteen days.

The great activist of mutant rights, Charles Xavier is dead. Erik Lensherr is back, powerful then ever, with a new Brotherhood of Mutants behind him. The future looks like a bleak place to be for mutants, but Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters flourishes under Ororo Munroe, the new Headmistress. She, along with the mutant only known as Logan, educate the young mutants of tomorrow and provide a beacon of hope to the mutant community.

Xtended: An X-Men RPG is a movieverse game that pick up where X-Men: The Last Stand, left off. Watch as the X-Men, the Brotherhood, and rest of mutant kind try to make sense of what happens after the Cure wears off, the MRA is passed, families fight and reunite, and bonds are broken and reforged between old friends...

Premise // Taken & Held Characters // Wanted Characters // Rules // Application
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[info]age_of_miracles [Feb. 6th, 2008|05:35 pm]

GreatestJournal Free Photo Hosting

AGE OF MIRACLES is an alternate-movieverse roleplay (with numerous comic influences), that began in January 2006, three years after the events of X2. Now, over two years later, AOM's characters have experienced the effects of Stilton's Disease, the Legacy Virus, the Mutant Registration Act, the Children of Isaac, the Friends of Humanity, and numerous confrontations between the X-Men and the Brotherhood. Now, they have to adjust to a brutal mutant takeover orchestrated by Magneto. The United States has been thrown into a period of turmoil that should mean a future of triumph and dominance for mutants, but with anti-mutant groups turning radical and violent, that may not be the case... ( More on the game's plot and politics )

In a world of change, a nation divided,
do you strive for
peace, or fight for freedom?

( restrictions ) Ages 17+ may apply.
( canon ) Movieverse (X-Men and X2 ONLY----game began in January 2006, prior to the release of X3) as a jumping-off point. Over the course of the game, AOM has developed into its own canon, using the realistic feel of the movieverse to tailor comicverse elements.
( format ) First-person journal for each character, third-person community with threads and AIM logs written in third person past tense.
( special features ) Influences from other Marvel worlds, mod- and player-controlled NPCs brought in to enrich the environment, mutant-related articles in [info]miraculous_news, in-character IM conversations and mutant-related website material posted in [info]aom_network, alternative storylines/worlds/situations explored in [info]aom_au, bi-weekly plot summaries, and active, loving moderators always plotting to keep things interesting. We really work to maintain the "superhero" feel of the game while still allowing for fun goofiness and interpersonal drama.
( applying ) We are currently only accepting characters that fill slots on our wanted characters list. Included on that list are Xavier School teachers, younger students, and Brotherhood members. There's a lot there, so take a look!

We are an active, friendly, and talented group of roleplayers writing in a plot-driven universe since January of 2006. We have recently made a very successful move from GreatestJournal to InsaneJournal and are looking for new players!

Application, cast listing, and much more information at [info]miraculous_mods.
Please direct your questions to K.D. or Mel.

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