March 1st, 2008

[info]ex_ronald_we733 in [info]marriagelaw

Ron's Birthday Celebrations.

Who: Ronald Weasley, Hermione Granger, Harry Potter, Charlie Weasley.
Where: The Burrow.
When: March 1st, 1999, at the end of a Weasley family dinner, aprox. 7pm.
Rating: ?
Other Information: Sorry, this is backdated. Also, I thought it might be helpful to have the thread start at the end of the birthday meal, so I'm assuming all the guests are already there. Hope that's ok. Let me know if it isn't.

Ron was full and happy )

[info]rosmerta1 in [info]marriagelaw

Open House - Complete

Who: Rosmerta, Tonks, Millicent and Open to all who what to visit but not stay
Where: Rosmerta's parents house behind the Three Broomsticks
When: March 1st, 1999
Rating: G-PG
Open House Between 1-3 Today

Rosmerta, noting the time, cast one more scourgify at the curtins in the upstairs bedroom )

[info]remus__lupin in [info]marriagelaw

The full moon - Completed

Who: Remus Lupin and Severus Snape
When: 1st March 1999, day and night of the full moon
Where: Remus' cottage in Wales
Rating: TBD

She was tugging at him again, his cruel 'Mistress', the Full Moon. )

[info]ministerofmagic in [info]marriagelaw

Backdated: In Azkaban Prison. [Roldophus & the Minister] *complete*

Who: Kingsley and Rodolphus Lestrange
Where: Azkaban Prison
When: Backdated - 29 February 1999, before noon (which is actually not doable since there was no 29th in 1999, but nevertheless...)
Rating: G

In Azkaban Prison )